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Wetrok cleaning courses: practice and theory taught in an exciting way

Course booklet

Wetrok Kursprogramm 2024
Programme de cours 2024

Wetrok Kursprogramm 2025 /  Programme de cours 2025

Range of courses

Wetrok Master Zertifizierung

The Wetrok Master Course will get you there. You have the choice between two approaches: Either via the regular courses or as a separate course. With both variants, you will receive the Wetrok Master's Diploma after passing the exam, which marks you out as a capable specialist and manager.

Dates, details and registration - Master 1

Dates, details and registration - Master 2

Basics of maintenance cleaning

previous course name "modern cleaning practice" (MRP)

Basic knowledge
As a beginner's course, this course provides you with the basic knowledge of professional cleaning. Theoretical knowledge is imparted during the course and then directly applied and trained in practice. For beginners, this course is a requirement for further specialised courses.

Dates, details and registration

Basics of interim and basic cleaning

Basic knowledge
As a follow-up course to "basics of maintenance cleaning", this course provides you with the cleaning knowledge for intermediate and basic cleaning of various surfaces and coverings. You will learn and train the methods and systems of intermediate and basic cleaning.

Dates, details & registration

Robotik und Digitalisierung in der Reinigung 

Dieser Kurs bietet eine umfassende Einführung in die Einsatzmöglichkeiten der Robotik in der Reinigung. Sie erfahren, wo der Einsatz sinnvoll und kostensparend ist und welche Vorteile die Integration der Robotik bietet. Auch lernen Sie, wie Sie diese Technologie in den Arbeitsalltag integrieren können, um den Mitarbeitenden Freiräume für andere Aufgaben zu schaffen. Erkennen Sie die Vorteile für eine reibungslose Reinigung durch die Digitalisierung und stellen Sie fest, dass ein Roboter in der Unterhaltsreinigung eine Bereicherung für das Team ist.

Termine, Details & Anmeldung

Basics of cleaning

Beginners' course for people with little knowledge of German (level A2)

Basic knowledge
In a small group, this course provides the basic knowledge of modern maintenance cleaning. The course is very practice-oriented in order to optimally meet the needs of the labour market. The course language is High German and the learning speed is moderate due to the basic language skills. Course participants receive a solid knowledge base and sufficient opportunity to practice what they have learned under expert guidance.

Dates, details and registration

Hygiene and disinfection in everyday cleaning

Special knowledge
This course shows how cleaning methods and systems are executed to achieve and maintain high standards of hygiene.

Dates, details and registration

Nachhaltig reinigen

Wie können Ökologie, Hygiene und Reinigung effektiv zusammenwirken? Welche Komponenten sind erforderlich, um den Anforderungen unserer Kunden gerecht zu werden? In diesem Kurs lernen Sie Methoden, Systeme und Produkte so auszuwählen und einzusetzen, dass die Umwelt möglichst wenig belastet wird, das Budget eingehalten wird und alle Anforderungen erfüllt werden.

Termine, Details & Anmeldung

Practice day for prospective caretakers

Special and management knowledge​​​​​​
The course offers the opportunity to deepen various methods in a practical and exam-like environment. It is ideally suited as a repetition and preparation day as well as for consolidating the acquired theoretical knowledge.

Dates, details and registration

Training day for apprentices in the cleaning industry

Expert knowledge
Whether you are training to become a hotel specialist, housekeeping specialist or business maintenance specialist, professional cleaning is an important part of the apprenticeship and the QV. In this course you have the opportunity to practice cleaning methods and improve the handling of cleaning machines.

Dates, details and registration

Sanitary and offices

Expert knowledge
This specialist course will make you a professional in the areas of maintenance, interim and basic cleaning in sanitary facilities and offices. The focus is on the appropriate cleaning methods and systems with which you can achieve excellent cleaning results in a short time.

Dates, details and registration

Textile floors

Expert knowledge
When it comes to cleaning, textile coverings require knowledge of the material and an approach that is appropriate for the material. In this course you will learn which cleaning methods and systems are suitable for textile floor coverings and how to use them correctly.

Dates, details and registration

Elastic and linoleum floors

Expert knowledge
Do you know the difference between PVC, PU, CV and linoleum floors? This course makes everything clear. It introduces you to the methods of maintenance, interim and basic cleaning of resilient floors and gives you the necessary know-how for protective treatments.

Dates, details and registration

Stone and ceramic floors

Expert knowledge
You can't get started cleaning stone and ceramic floors until you know about these materials. In this course you will learn how to derive the correct chemistry and methods for maintenance, interim and basic cleaning from material tests. Protective treatment is also an important topic.

Dates, details and registration

Wood floors

Expert knowledge
Wood and wood-like floors are sensitive. This makes it all the more important to choose the right cleaning methods. This course provides you with the necessary user knowledge for maintenance, interim and basic cleaning as well as for the protective treatment of these coverings.

Dates, details and registration

Window cleaning

Expert knowledge
This course provides you with a crystal-clear overview of cleaning techniques for large glass surfaces, glass partitions, interior and exterior doors, and windows including frames (not facade cleaning).

Dates, details & registration

Maintenance and repair of Wetrok cleaning machines

Expert knowledge
The program includes the maintenance and care of Wetrok cleaning machines. You will also gain the necessary knowledge to get them up and running again with the right spare parts in the event of breakdowns. Thanks to the knowledge you gain, you can reduce the cost of repairs or avoid them altogether.

Dates, details & registration

Ergonomics in cleaning

Special knowledge
This course provides you with basic knowledge for health-conscious work and shows you how to apply it in cleaning practice. Participation will enable you to actively contribute to the preservation of your health and that of your employees. Because you know how to avoid complaints and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Dates, details & registration

Successful leadership and organization

Leadership knowledge
What is important in the development of material- and object-specific cleaning systems? How do you instruct and lead cleaning team members so that they achieve the best possible results with the least amount of time? These and other important questions are the focus of this continuing education course for successful management practice.

Dates, details & registration

Cleaning organization/planning and calculation

Management knowledge
Cleaning efficiency can be planned. This course familiarizes you with the basics of recording and calculating cleaning work and processes. You will acquire the necessary knowledge to implement cleaning plans and concepts organizationally and to ensure quality assurance in cleaning through structured processes.

Dates, details & registration

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